If you have missed a few classes or simply just fell behind because of any reason, a study backlog is both concerning and difficult to remedy. backlog is created due to various reasons like lack of planning, procrastination and simply not studying for enough time or not keeping track of studies. When a backlog is created, a student has the fear of missing out (FOMO) on studies. Usually, students realize that they have a backlog very late in their preparation. Nevertheless, with proper planning and execution, backlogs can be cleared effectively. Here are some tips which may help you to clear your backlog. 1. Stay calm. Don't Panic. Instead, just focus on staying in control of your actions and mind. Repeat to yourself, “I can do this,” while taking a few deep breaths. Think about another time that you faced a difficult situation and beat it. If you find yourself dwelling on the negative possibilities, say aloud, “Focus on the present and future.” 2. Find q...
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